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Re: Accusative? The saga continues ...

From:Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 12, 2002, 17:56
Talpas Tim wrote:
> ># ># Maoro mentu a dazuo nalu. ># [mao;ro mentu a dazu;o na;lU] ># "Maoro burns a spaceship in the den" ># (slightly unlikely, perhaps) ># ># Maoro a dazuo nala. ># "Maoro burns (intr) in the den." ># > >I see two different (differently marked?) verbs here... > > nala - burn (intrans) > nalu - burn (trans) > >Is one verb derived from the other, or is there a stem 'nal-' plus an >obligatory transitivity marker?
_Nala_ is simply the stem _nal-_ with a present tense marker -a, whereas _nalu_ is the same stem with a suffix -u that, among other things, forms causatives from intransitives, plus a zero present tense marker. However, there are plenty of transitive verbs that doesn't have the -u ending, for instance _nhaz-_ in _David izi a dazuo nhaza_ "David eats cheese in the den".
># Know, I figure these sentences aren't enough to tell if it's accusative >or ># whatever, but at least you've seen the thing. ># > >I can't remember much of the previous thread concerning this, but is it >your >intent to be ambiguous with respect to accusative or ergative?
We-ell, the starting point was that I chose the syntax and (lack of) marking I wanted, and realized that I couldn't tell if it was accusative, ergative or something else.
> >I can think of some good arguments for either, but all are conditional on >further data... dropping of nouns which are understood, in trans and >intrans >contexts? reflexives? valency increasing or decreasing mechanisms? >(causative, >passive..)
As said, _-u_ can form causatives. Dunno about passives yet, but some sort is probably needed to faciliate topicalization (syntax is very strict). A passive would turn "David cheese eats" into "cheese by David is eaten", I guess.
> >I think maybe "transitive/intransitive" would be a good classification. >
Eh, doesn't pretty much all languages have a transitive vs intransitive distinction? Andreas _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:


Talpas Tim <tim@...>