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The proverbial two birds...

From:The Gray Wizard <dbell@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 26, 2000, 15:44
Feeling lazy, so I decide to kill the proverbial two birds with the
proverbial one stone.  T-Shirt and daily translation.

English:   Fight linguistic extinction... invent a language!
amman iar: nasivas in urgoirvar iardainnion ermaethuliel... nasivas in iar
nathya:    inhocorwar yadhano nas mesulus... inya nas ethagus

Both of these may be too long for a T-Shirt so I would suggest the second
half of the phrase only.

English:   Invent a language!
amman iar: nasivas in iar erdaghiel
nathya:    inya nas ethagus

When we are ready, I can provide these using my tal eglar conscript.


amman iar:

\f Fight linguistic extinction... invent a language!
\t nasivas                in         urgoirvar
\m nas-       -iv  -as    in         ur-  coiro =var       -0
\g hortative- -hab -pres not- live  =actn/proc -[P]
\p mood-      -asp -tense ptp        neg- v     =nsfx      -abs
\x do            extinction

\t iardainnion            ermaethuliel
\m iar      =tain    -ion er-  maetho  =dul         -ie      -l
\g language =science -of  do-  contest =unfavorable -agt/thm -actn
\p n        =nsfx    -gen agt- v       =nsfx        -val     -vc
\x of.linguistics         fight

\t nasivas                in         iar
\m nas-       -iv  -as    in         iar      -0
\g hortative- -hab -pres language -[P]
\p mood-      -asp -tense ptp        n        -abs
\x do            language

\t erdaghiel
\m er-  tagho  -ie      -l
\g do-  create -agt/thm -actn
\p agt- v      -val     -vc
\x invent


\f Fight linguistic extinction...invent a language!
\t inhocorwar      yadhano                nas       mesulus
\m in-  ocorwar    ya       -dhan    -o   nas       mesul -u        -s
\g -    extinction language -science -of  hortative fight -habitual -pres
\p abs- n          n        -sfx     -gen mood      v     -asp      -tense
\x extinction      linguistic             do        fight

\t inya          nas       ethagus
\m in-  ya       nas       er-   tag    -u        -s
\g -    language hortative you-  create -habitual -pres
\p abs- n        mood      2per- v      -asp      -tense
\x language      do        create
