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Micro-Translation Excercise

From:Adam Parrish <myth@...>
Date:Friday, September 24, 1999, 8:43
My attempts:
        - ele' nae salo lika ui nae sar ka dio nasadila. (Doraya)
        - u" ty se ve sakstad tha tkareth si gu"p mevu". (Kusthu")

Doraya in more detail:

   ele' nae salo       lika       ui   nae sar  ka    dio  nasadila
   if   you understand this-thing then you know thing over your-need

... or, somewhat more idiomatically:

   ele' nae salo       lika       ui   nae sar  gu'ikaka.
   if   you understand this-thing then you know bad-much-thing.

(_gu-_ is a noun prefix indicating a distaste for the affixed noun; the
compound prefix _gu'ika-_ means more or less 'so much that I don't like

Kusthu" in detail:

   u"   ty  se  ve  sakstad       tha tkareth   si  gu"p   mevu"
   this NOM you DAT be.legible.3P if  knowledge GEN excess have.2P

And now, off to sleep.

    | ki ik ty bo"m nga seg! |