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Re: A BrSc a?

From:Levi Tooker <nerd525@...>
Date:Friday, April 19, 2002, 19:12
--- Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...> wrote:
> Scheme (b) > ---------- > This is Dirk's original scheme and which, > personally, I prefer. That > means we have a high, central vowel [1], like the > north Walian > pronunciation of Welsh {u}, the Romanian î > (i-circumflex) or Russian bI, > namely: > > FRONT CENTRAL BACK > HIGH /i/ /1/ /u/ > LOW /e/ /a/ /e/ > > Here the front & back low vowels would be expected > to range from [e] to > [E], and [o] to [O] respectively. The very low [{] > and [Q] should be > avoided. > > The only thing that holds me back is that high, > central vowel. So many > languages (including English, which is quite widely > spoken :) lack the > sound. I don't know of any constructed IAL that > includes it. Would its > inclusion be unacceptable in a conlang that had, as > one of its aims, the > possibility of being used as an IAL?
Personally, I like this scheme. As an English speaker learning Russian, I found the vowel /1/ easy to distinguish from other vowels and was able to pronounce it with a little practice. I don't imagine this extra phoneme would seriously hinder the possibility of the language becoming a working IAL, but since this discussion may not be completely appropriate for this list, I'll be brief: basically, I believe that since the extra phoneme greatly facilitates the linguistic aspects of the language, it becomes a higher priority than ease of pronunciation. Besides, all phonemic systems are difficult for some group of people.
> Ray. > > > ====================== > XRICTOC ANECTH > ======================
-- Levi Tooker __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax


Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...>