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Re: A BrSc a?

From:Jeffrey Henning <jeffrey@...>
Date:Thursday, April 25, 2002, 20:20
> But the main drawbacks, as I see it, with such a scheme are: > 1. I must include phonemes which are not "IAL-friendly" > 2. There is no 'self-segregation' of morphemes in such a scheme. > > i.e. pushing brevity to its limits runs contrary to the other two goals of > BrSc. > > That's the challenge of BrSc - to balance the three goals. :)
Have you thought about having a goal of making sure the words are easy to type? Herman Miller and I have been bouncing ideas off each other about what makes a specific word easier to type than another -- important for a brief script in today's world. Obviously, words that start on the home keys are easier, words that repeat a letter are easier, but beyond that while we have come up with some algorithms we don't have anything definitive. It should be possible to write a script to give a word a score based on its letters. BTW, when are you coming to the States next? Fond regards, Jeffrey


Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...>