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Re: boustrophedon (was: Atlantis II)

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 19, 2001, 8:55
En réponse à Shreyas Sampat <nsampat@...>:

> > obconstuff: > In Nrit culture, a game of is played with a deck of cards depicting > various > important gods, heroes, and symbols. A card is put down, and players > take > turns drawing cards and trying to relate them via story allusion to the > card > on the board. If they cannot relate a card in their hand to it, they > must > place a card on the table, from their hand, facedown. A player may turn > over a facedown card from the player who will be next and attempt to > capture > that instead of whatever cards are on the table faceup. When two or > more > cards are related, the player takes them. When ll the cards run out, > the > player who has captured the most wins the hand, and the game moves on to > X > number of hands, usually eleven. > These definitely have a right side. >
What an original game, about chance, memory and knowledge. Very interesting. I would love to play such a game! Christophe.