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Re: Montreiano Numerals (was: Re: Judajca)

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Sunday, August 25, 2002, 3:57
>Could / do they represent an older level of M., or >perhaps dialect variation? > >Does Montrei have a Language Board to keep the >language pure?
The list i had posted previously were an older version promulgated in the early days of the nation (1860's - early 1900's) as a way to "separate" Montreiano from the Spanish of the AC's. It's more etymological and didn't reflect how the numerals were really said (and much more "nationalistic" although why the old spellings were used is beyond me, they do not appear "Spanish" in the modern form (or even the form used then which is essentially the same as today)). At least the inclusion of ñ before velar consonants makes some sense, but it's redundant since /n/ converts to /N/ before them naturally (so it's not necessary to write it with ñ)) The grave accents are a pre-spelling reform used unecessarily and had better use to show two like vowels that came together due to a loss of an intervocalic d (the circumflex has use to show an orthographic loss of h). Originally they two vowels were written side by side, but for esthetics, it was decided to use the grave accent. Some words that could be mistaken for each other either kept their old spelling (via vs vida), or were borrowed from Spanish or Portuguese: oso (bone) vs urso (bear). So, yes, there is a language board that clarified things and keeps the language "pure" (Montreiano would rather borrow from Portuguese than Spanish, but the common people generally borrow whatever is popular and disregards " Que diçen eu consexo de las poliças lingüísticas" (what the board of linguistic police say). Common reforms of "Eu Consexo Lingüístico Naçonau de Montrei" were: - from "doubled" vowels to a single vowel with a grave: naa > nà (nothing). These vowels are always generally said longer than usual, but this is not something that's important for distinction (as say the right accent). - ç for /ts/ always (the informal trend had been to use c before the front vowels and ç in front of the back vowels). This change was to keep a more original flavor to the language - circumflex accent always to represent a loss of a preceeding h: hondre > ôndre (man) - "nationalistic" (read: radical revolutionary) spellings changed to more phonetic: ondeç > onç - the disuse of written final e (which had dropped out of the spoken language within 150 years of colonization)
There weren't many big changes in the official orthography, but it helped unify things where before there had been no real standard. Foreign words are generally kept as they are internationally written, although words with very foreign sounds are changed: "Brithenig" are written to suit the Montreiano pronunciation: Brithenig > Briteniguéns, Ill Bethisad > Il betisad (hmm, what would be the closest sound in say Spanish to that Brithenig ll?)
> >Typical Language Board Lackey!! ;) >
I'm guilty! So shoot me! :) __________________________ No the moth dont care when he sees the flame The moth dont care if the flame is real Cause flame and moth got a sweetheart deal And nothing fuels a good flirtation Like need, and anger, and desperation


Padraic Brown <elemtilas@...>