Re: [Fwd: dozenal and hexadecimal digits]
From: | Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...> |
Date: | Saturday, May 13, 2000, 15:09 |
At 6:12 pm -0400 12/5/00, John Cowan wrote:
>Raymond Brown scripsit:
>> Ach! vingt means "twenty", not "thirty two" & trente is "thirty" not
>> "forty eight" etc.
>In H.G. Wells's novel _The Sleeper Awakes_ the late 21st century has
>switched to the duodecimal system. No mention is made AFAIK of the
>digit shapes for ten and eleven, but we have some words:
>dozen = 12, twaindy = 2*12, sixdoz = 6*12, sevendy = 7*12
>gross = 12*12, dozand = 12*12*12, myriad = 12*12*12*12
In my late teens & early twenties I was quite keen on the duodecimal system
(I still think it's superior to the decimal one, but accept that the
decimal system is pretty much entrenched world-wide & there are far more
important things to be concerned about in this world then number systems).
I used the symbols X and H for 'ten' & 'eleven' respectively (the first
from the Roman system & the second obviously derived from 11 :)
And IIRC I shortened (or considered shortening) 'eleven' to 'leven'.
As for the names:
12 10 dozen
13 11 dozen one
14 12 dozen two
. . ....
22 1X dozen ten
23 1H dozen eleven (or 'dozen leven')
24 20 tewndoz
25 21 twendoz one
. . ....
36 30 thirdoz
48 40 fordoz (fourdoz ?)
60 50 fifdoz (or 'fivedoz' /'fIvd@z/ :)
72 60 sixdoz
84 70 sevendoz
96 80 eightdoz
108 90 ninedoz
120 X0 tendoz
132 H0 elevendoz (levendoz)
144 100 a gross
145 101 a gross and one (cf. Brit: a hundred & one)
. . ...
288 200 two gross
298 20X two gross and ten
etc etc etc.
I never coined words for 12^3 (a dozen gross), but Wells' "dozand" _looks_
attractive; however, would it _sound_ different enough from 'dozen"? I
think not. And 'myriad' is IMO no good for 12^4.
But now, of course, it's hexadecimal [took me a time to get used to
misformed Graeco-Latin compound!] numbers that figure rather more largely
in my life :)
But I've not applied to my to devising an 'English hexadecimal'
terminology. My admiration goes to the peoples Sumeria & Babylonia with
their sexagesimal system.
A mind which thinks at its own expense
will always interfere with language.
[J.G. Hamann 1760]