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Re: [IE conlangs]]

From:Josh Roth <fuscian@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 13, 1999, 2:55
In a message dated 4/12/1999 8:10:12 PM, artabanos@MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU writes:

>Steg Belsky wrote: > >> In the NYC / Long Island area /&/ before nasals and /s/ (grass, can, >ran, >> Sam, bass, damn, fast; but it seems not before /N/) becomes the diphthong >> [e@]. It also happens in other words, such as "bad" and "stab".
I think I know what you're talking about here . . . tho I wouldn't describe it as [e@] - in fact I have no idea what it was. There probably is no IPA symbol for it. I would use it in all the words above, tho, except in "can" when it means "be able to" (tho it is used in "can't") and also, "ran" I think could be either one.
>Well, those are both voiced stops... does it also happen with "bag"? If
It happens for me with "bag."
>so, >then you have a soundlaw in operation there. If not, then it might be >that >your vowel breaking (diphthongization) there might specificly exclude >velar consonants. Which would be an interesting soundlaw. >BTW, does it also happen to & / _z ? As in "as" or "frazzled" or something >like that.
>======================================================= >Tom Wier <artabanos@...> >ICQ#: 4315704 AIM: Deuterotom >Website: <> >"Cogito ergo sum, sed credo ergo ero." > >There's nothing particularly wrong with the >proletariat. It's the hamburgers of the >proletariat that I have a problem with. - Alfred Wallace >========================================================