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Re: Lilipu: The Bonsai Language

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 30, 2003, 14:49
In a message dated 2003:12:29 11:41:31 PM, vmed@HOTMAIL.COM writes:

> > >Like the miniature Japanese bonsai tree, Lilipu exemplifies "Small is >beautiful." It is designed as a language in which to create haiku. > >--Viktor
Love it. Quite like Toki Pona: Taoist-like conlang... "Less is more." --- from the Langmaker website linkie-dink: "... Toki Pona follows the principles of Taoism, which advocates a simple, honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events. "I have also been inspired by anthropological primitivists such as Sahlins and John Zerzan*, whose writings critique the totality of modern civilization, recognising the superiority of natural, primitive cultures. ..." * Zerzan is an Anarchist theorist comparable to Russian prince/scientist Piotr Kroptkin and revolutionary anarcho-nihilist Mikhal Bakunin... Zerzan is a formidable "anti-Civilizationist" Anarchist much beloved by the UltraLeft, anti-Civilizationist factions of EarthFirst!, Seashepherd, ALF (Animal Liberation Front), Fifth Estate, ... and Subcommander Zero** of the Zapatistas (interestin'ly in Mayan-Tzotzil-speakin' areas of southern Mexico...) ** rumoured to be a French-Mexican who was born in Mexico City, grew up amongst Mayans and Chinese-Mexicans [la Chino-Metizos] in one of the really weirder slums of said sad megacity, educated in Catholic French Canada, partied with the Inuit, served briefly in the French Foreign Legion in North Africa (cashiered for insubordination) and the UN's international corps in Hong Kong (again, cashiered for insubordination)... hence his odd, almost unplaceable accent, haughty trickster demeanor and tres bizarre humour (& wacky _nom de guerre_) {substantiating sources that can be sorta cited: Lt.Col. "Dommage," Lt."LeRouge," Adj. "Cujo" - Legionaire vets now active in Hong Kong, _Polynesia Liber et Autonome_ , _Kanak Autonome_ and the Hawai'ian Autonomy movements as well as the Rainbow Warriors, the Greenpeace splinter group in French Colonial Polynesia} --- º°`°º ø,¸¸,ø º ° ° º ø ¸ , ø º º ø ø º Hanuman Zhang, _Gomi no sensei_ [Master of junk] "To live is to scrounge, taking what you can in order to survive. So, since living is scrounging, the result of our efforts is to amass a pile of rubbish." - Chuang Tzu/Zhuangzi, China, 4th Century BCE "The most beautiful order is a heap of sweepings piled up at random." - Heraclitus, Greece, 5th Century BCE "...So what is life for? Life is for beauty and substance and sound and colour; and even those are often forbidden by law [socio-cultural conventions]. . . . Why not be free and live your own life? Why follow other people's rules and live to please others?..." ~Lieh-Tzu/Liezi, Taoist Sage (c. 450- c. 375 BCE) "Taoism in a nutshell: Shit Happens. Roll with the Punches. Hang 10 - Go with the Flow!" - anonymous California surfer/Beatnik,circa late 1950's/early 1960's Ars imitatur Naturam in sua operatione. [Latin > "Art is the imitation of Nature in her manner of operation."] "...There is life feeding on this dead heap. ... life will complete its cycle, teeming within this lump of death." - Bela Bartok "jinsei to iu mono wa, kichou na geijyutsu to ieru deshou" [Japanese > "one can probably say that 'life' is a precious artform"] "Art is an antidote for violence. It gives the ecstasy, the self-transcendence that could otherwise take the form of drug addiction, terrorism, suicide, or warfare." - Rollo May "There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats." - Albert Schweitzer "Life'n'art, art'n'life. There is _no_ separation. Each is a manifestation of every aspect of the other. This is a difficult game... A difficult game to play. It seems, to me, like the only game that needs playing at the moment." - Warren Burt


Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...>