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Re: Constructed Computer Architectures (Concomps?)

From:Keith Gaughan <kmgaughan@...>
Date:Monday, February 9, 2009, 14:40
Yep, done some of that myself. There's the work I did on computing in Ill
Bethisad, the basic idea being, what would computers have been like if
Turing and von Neumann in particular had lived longer, the result being
machines that are massively parallel, but slower than their equivalents OTL.
The closest equivalent here would be like a more advanced version of a cell
processor, but only vaguely so. Whether they're von Neumann machines as
computers generally are OTL isn't something that's been gone into, but I
doubt they are. The idea for it came from some (in retrospect, naive)
musings on massively parallel computing when I was in my teens.

One other, con-architecture I came up with was a kind of hybrid
stack/registry machine to run programs for operating virtual battle droids
in a software battle arena game I started developing before I went to
college, but never got around to finishing. I documented the basic ideas