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Re: Aks

From:T. A. McLeay <conlang@...>
Date:Sunday, October 28, 2007, 17:55
On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 09:42:38 -0400, "Mark J. Reed" <markjreed@...>
> Of course it does. It would be strange indeed for the vowel to change > due to metathesis. It wouldn't just be metathesis anymore. > > It was a silly question. I somehow forgot that "ask" and "ax" have > different vowels elsewhere, which makes no sense since "ask" is one of > the stereotypical go-to words for fake British accents.
Well, from what Ray says, the English vowel in the metathesised form remains /&/, regardless of lengthening in the "ask" vowel. And for good reason --- in dialects where "ax" predominates, it's not in the right position for lengthening. Just like "third" has a different vowel form "three", even though it was historically a metathesis. But when Australians use it, it's as an option alongside the normal "ask" no doubt formed on analogy to AmE "ax" so it seems natural to keep the "ask" vowel.
> So your "aks" sounds like our "ox", but not like your "ox" or "ax".
Perhaps to you. American [A] sounds more like my [O] to me, so your "ox" sounds more like a strange "ox" to me, not like a strange "arx" --- your vowel is too short and too far back to be /a:/. No doubt the fact that the usual rule is AmE [A] = AusE [O] helps plenty. -- Tristan.