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Re: New to the list

From:Clint Jackson Baker <litrex1@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 22, 2002, 21:20
I was lazy about not putting in my accent marks, eh?
I hate typing in all those hard-to-remember codes, but
I'm learning; è and é come easy now.


--- julien eychenne <eychenne.j@...> wrote:
> Oh, I had missed this answer. I don't see any > problem in that you say me > 'tu' if you want to :). And it doesn't seem to be as > bad as you pretend > (a lot of *French* native speaker could have written > "mon fransé et trés > movais", or something like that). > > Amitiés/Regards, > > Julien > > > >Pas de tout--en fait, mon francais est tres > mauvais, > >aussi--vous pouvez demander a Christophe! > > > >A bientot, > >Clint
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julien eychenne <eychenne.j@...>