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Re: Deep Water

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Thursday, April 6, 2000, 4:21
Well, doing a little conlanging for a while, here is the Chleweyish version
of deep water:

fonno ebá draro nyibu djegga
poca ebó cuccuba vore omá pife
fess yaó nyelle cay quo?
lawtto voyse quo mucke


fonno    ebá   draro nyibu djegga
language it(1) path  river time
language, Ill talk about it later, is path of river of time

poca ebó cuccuba vore omá pife
place it(2) ancestor our it(1) leads
place of ancestor our, that thing (language) leads to

fess yaó      nyelle  cay quo
but  there(2) arrives not who?
but, to that place (of ancestor our), s/he doesn't arrive

lawtto voyse quo mucke
water  deep  who afraid
who is afraid of deep water

cay /k&j/: not
cuccuba /"k_huk'kUB@/: ancestor
djegga /"dj\EG.G@/: time (time dimension, continuum of past-present-future)
draro /"d4A:4o/: path, way, ford
eb´- /@B/-: mark a contextual place for the previous object
fess /fEs:/: but, contrastive conjunctive conjunction
fonno /" language (natlang, conlang, etc.)
lawtto /"lOwt'to/: water (sea, lake, river, etc., never water in a glas)
mucke /"muk'k@/: indicative of _mucki_: to be afraid
nyelle /"JEll@/: indicative of _nyelli_: to arrive, to reach
nyibu /"Ji:BU/: river, water stream
om´- /om/-: referres to object in a contextual place.
pife /"p_hi:f@/: indicative of _pifi_: to lead, to guide
poca /"p_ho:k@/: place
quo /k_wo:/: who (interrogative)
quo /k_wo/: who (relative)
vore /"vo:4@/: indicative of _vori_: our (it says we (exclusive) in my word
list but I'm not sure if I had an inclusive/exclusive distinction...)
voyse /"vojs@/: indicative of _voysi_: deep
ya´- /j\@/-: referres to physical place marked as contextual place.

-- Carlos Th
  Carlos Eugenio Thompson Pinzón
  Bogotá, Colombia
  ICQ: 19156333