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Skeskatai (was: Re: Short words for complex ideas)

From:Muke Tever <alrivera@...>
Date:Friday, December 14, 2001, 15:30
From: "Christopher B Wright" <faceloran@...>
> ---Family and similar relations--- > Sister's cousin-in-law's uncle's brother-in-law's wife: ske
Fascinatingly enough, just tonight at work I invented a word {s*ke} /skE/ meaning, roughly, "folk". This is part of a reinvention of "skeskatai" (s*ke sk'a tai*) I've been working on... The lang has two series of stops, p t k (voiceless/aspirated) p' t' k' (ejective - Just two days ago I pronounced k' ex utopia and realized I finally knew what was meant by 'ejective' !) where the voiceless voice intervocalically, and (I think) nasalize initially. and seven vowels: a e i u (e = /E/) a* i* u* ('super-tense', or falsetto, or high tone) Actually, s /S/ and s* /s/ are systematically vowels, which is quite odd. For the lang's obTypographicalDifficulty, the asterisks are actually supposed to be hollow superscript stars (like U+2606, although rings such as å are allowed in a pinch), and the ejective apostrophe is actually a hollow subscript moon (like U+263D) (which is actually superscript on the /p/ for space reasons). Syllable form is (C)V, with insertion of [h] between vowels (so sau* /Sa.u*/ "human" is [*]). The lang is isolating, head-first, SVO, with disyllabic roots--stuff like s*kE are systematically disyllabic, and drawn out as [s.kE] (or even [hs.kE], for real hypercorrection). ... *Muke!