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Re: IPA tones

From:DOUGLAS KOLLER <laokou@...>
Date:Thursday, October 26, 2000, 1:38
From: "Adam Walker"

> >From: John Cowan
> >And the Pinyin diacritics are so nicely mnemonic, too.
> And to ones used in Taiwanese are so frustratingly COUNTER-intuitive! > *grrrrrrrrr*
Oh, please, that whole system sucks. As you've pointed out earlier, that missionary thing gives such wonders as chho'h. I learned it 'cause that's what TLI (Taipei Language Institute - there are missionary affiliations there) was using, but I've long since abandoned it. If you're serious about Taiwanese, look into "Guo2 Tai2 Shuang1 Yu3 Ci2 Dian3", Mandarin-Taiwanese Dictionary) edited by Yang2 Qing1 Chu4. Quirky, but very informative -- I bought the whammy package as a set for about NT$1200 (tapes, intro book, etc.), but I think the hardcover dictionary alone is now available for NT$700-800. Check finer bookstores like Eslite. There is also a marvelously useful mainland Hokkien dictionary floating around (Pu3tong1hua4 Min3nan2yu3 Ci2dian3) (and it's in simplified characters, if that's an obstacle for you) -- I snapped it up knowing it was a serendipitous find, but I saw it (serendipitously) elsewhere after I bought my copy. It, too, was a real price, but a great investment. Alas, so many romanizations, so little time. Kou