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From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Friday, May 23, 2003, 21:55
Among the southern regions of Montrei, Chumash terms for many animals have
worked their way into the Montreiano of the south. Here's a list of the
bird names that have gone from regional in southern Montrei to the names
in Montreiano as a whole:

tacac - quail
çiucuili - meadowlark
yucnuç - hummingbird
sit - northern flicker
uit - california condor
quisen - mudhen
cua - native duck
muhu - great horned owl
xeu - barn owl
pucu - burrowing owl
uel - banded pigeon
tuc - mourning dove
matiuai - sharp shinned hawk
uoi - red shouldered hawk
cuich - peregrine falcon
quilic - kestrel
pulacac - acorn woodpecker
chai - scrub jay
achach -magpie
cac - raven
aa - crow
choc - Brewer's blackbird
queu - brown pelican
mut - cormorant

Most of these names were onomatopoeic representations of each bird's call.
A few of these are mangled or shortened through use by the general
populace :).


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