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Re: Happy New Year

From:Mau Rauszer <maurauser@...>
Date:Friday, January 2, 2004, 14:36
Whee... it really was a while since last time I posted to the list...
but I am still here, though.

In Longwer it is:

Nishineoqebenna tenq!
[ niSinEokEb'En:A 'tENk ]
happyˇnewˇyearˇACC thouˇDAT
Lit.: Happy-new-year to you!

nish “happy”
neo or niyo “new” (and no, it is not an IE lang :))
qeb “solar year”
-nna [accusative ending]
te ”thou”
-nq “dative ending”

As for Meyadhew, it is a more difficult thing...

Ebakhe lindelukipho indiza nda.
[ E'bak_hE 'lindelukip_ho 'indiza 'nda ]
C7ˇI-want C7ˇnewˇyearˇCON C7ˇhappiness youˇREC
Lit.: I want to be a happy new-year for you.

‘ebakhe’ is an example of a particle, which is required in
every clause. This is meant to express the speaker’s
emotions about the information described in the clause.
The e- prefix means that the topic of the clause is a
Class 7 noun – this class is the class of time concepts.
The particle form ‘bakhe’ means that the speaker wants
this event to happen, and this sentence is a main clause.

‘lindelukipho’ “C7ˇnewˇyearˇCON” is a Class 7 compound noun in the
conveyant case – yes, Meyadhew uses a case system similar to
Ebisedian of HS Teoh, thus I use the names from the Ebisedian grammar
for English terminology :)
The prefix li- is the adverbial prefix for the Mey. nouns
of Class 7. ‘ndelukipha’ consists of ndelu 4 “~new-ness” and kipha 7  “year”.
The conveyant case changes the final ‘a’ to ‘o’.

‘indiza’ “~with-happiness” is the Class 4 noun ‘ndiza 4’ “joy, happiness”
+ Class 7 adjectival prefix i-. Meyadhew does only have nouns, particles
and pronouns as word class. No verb and no adverb and no adjective.
Thus it can use nouns as adjectives by prefixing and adjectival prefix,
which agrees with the head noun in class. These adjectival nouns stand
all in the adverbial case, ie. uninflected.

'nda' is the receptive case of ‘ndo’ “you”. Meyadhew doesn't have number
distinction in pronouns. (Number is only an optional feature in Meyadhew).

                Mau Rauser
Ábrahám Zsófia alias Mau Rauser
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H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>Meyadhew (Was: Re: Happy New Year)