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Re: Why Not More Nasals!!!!? (was: Is this a realistic phonology?)

From:Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>
Date:Monday, March 8, 1999, 23:59
Raymond Brown wrote:

>At 9:43 pm +0100 8/3/99, Kristian Jensen wrote: >>AND I'M STILL NOT. Cambodian, Thai, Vietnamese, and a whole lot of >>other Austro-Asiatic and Daic languages have *MORE* PHONEMIC >>_Nasals_ than _Voiced Stops_!!!! What in the world is so hard to >>believe about that?! What do you all have against the languages of >>Southeast Asia?! 8-) > >I don't recall anyone saying anything against the languages of SE >Asia. I certainly didn't and please don't accuse me of taking up >positions that I do not hold. I wasn't aware that Sahla was trying >to imitate the languages of that region.
Sorry about that. Its difficult to be sarcastic in a joking manner over email. Basically, its difficult to be silly over email. Apparently so, even when I give the "smily sign" [8-)]. I didn't mean to sound like I was truly accussing anybody. I WAS NOT. I apologize for the failed attempt at a joke and being silly. Its probably a cultural thing. 8-) As for Sahla imitating the languages of that region, I really don't know myself. I was just giving examples of languages that do in fact have more voiced nasal stops than voiced oral stops, and I understood (perhaps wrongly) that the previous posts argued that they did not exist. I apologize if I misunderstood.
>You could, of course, have added that Chinese (all varieties I >believe) has NO phonemic voiced plosives but does have three >phonemic nasals - and that accounts for a large part of the world's >population. > >In Chinese the lenis plosive are unaspirated while the fortis >plosives are aspirated. Here, surely, the number of lenis plosive >consonants versus the nasals are what is relevant to this argument. > >From what I know of Thai - and I have no doubt your knowledge is >greater than mine - the main opposition is between unaspirated & >aspirated plosives. Indeed, the two voiced plosives, which you >rightly quote, seem to fit oddly into the scheme of things. > >I'm by no means well up on the languages of the area, but I get the >impression that the main opposition in plosives is between >aspirated & unaspirated voicless plosives and that the few voiced >plosives function rather differently.
That's the impression I get as well. 8-)
> >............ >> >>Now there you go... its all there as clear as day! Again, what's >>hard to believe about that? The evidence is all there. There is no >>need to make quick assumptions and denying the existence of >>Southeast Asian languages. 8-) > >I don't recall anyone denying the existence of these languages.
Again I'm sorry for the failed attempt at a joke.
>Even in Europe it possible to find languages which, like Chinese, >have no voiced plosive phonemes but do have nasal phonemes. Scots >Gaelic is one such language - the symbols {b}, {d} and {g} >represent unaspirated voiceless plosives while {p} {t} {c} >represent the aspirated series. Some southern German dialects, I >believe, operate the same way. > >......... >> >>IMO, there is absolutely nothing unusual about having more voiced >>nasal stops than voiced oral stops. It all depends on the voicing >>requirement of the individual languages. > >Yes, it does. In languages where the only or the main opposition >between fortis & lenis plosives is aspiration versus non-aspiration >then, yes, the voiced nasals will, indeed must, outnumber the >voiced plosives (if _any_). And in Polynesian languages where there >is only one series of voiceless plosives, even one nasal must >outnumber zero voiced plosives :) > >But I got the impression that Sahla was working within the >voiceless - voiced opposition type of language where aspirated >voiceless plosive are conditioned allophones of of the voiceless >plosives. This _not_ the case in any of the SE Asian languages >AFAIK. > >Indeed, Sahla's mention of clicks and implosive consonants seemed >to me to put his phonology more within the context of African >languages. It was within that context - *and that context only* - >that I concurred with Nik's observation. >
Hmmm... you're right about all that. Within THAT context, I concur with Nik's observation as well.
>> >>Just having the urge to clear things up and acknowledging the >>existence of the languages my Southeast-Asian 'brothers' speak, > >I know well about their existence and I agree it does depend on the >voicing requirements of Sahla's language. Guess I must've >misunderstood them somewhere along the line.
Or I... misunderstood them, that is. And that you understood it better. 8-) -kristian- 8-)