Re: Relay time! Beethoven's Ninth
From: | andrew <hobbit@...> |
Date: | Saturday, August 12, 2000, 10:22 |
This could get very long...
Llo h-Efig, rhen llo son ci!
Ent llaesath nu di llo phly fellt
canghanhar, e llo phly 'eiddad!
Llo h-Efig, rhen llo son ci!
the.p friend.p NEG the.p sound here
Ent llaesath nu di llo phly fellt
rather let.pres.2p pron.1p of the.p more pleasant
canghanhar, e llo phly 'eiddad!
intone.inf and the.p more joyful
Lla 'eidd, lla yscinhell fel di llo ddew,
Ffeil d'Elys,
Nu h-intran uifriw di'll ffog,
Gelest, tew cawell.
Lla 'eidd, lla yscinhell fel di llo ddew,
the.f joy the.f spark beautiful of the.p god.p
Ffeil d'Elys,
daughter of_Elysium
Nu h-intran uifriw di'll ffog,
pron.1p enter.pres.1p drunk of_the.m fire
Gelest, tew cawell.
heavenly.voc thy sanctuary
Tew h-inghanhediwn ligant ply long,
Ke'll defad cod es disuibrad;
Llo ddyn thud wenent di llo ffradr
Ill llog tew ascell wuil fan
Tew h-inghanhediwn ligant ply long,
thy spell.p bind.pres.3p more long
Ke'll defad cod es disuibrad;
REL_the.m custom strict be.pres.3s share.pp
Llo ddyn thud wenent di llo ffradr
the.p human.p all.p come.pres.3p of the.p brother
Ill llog tew ascell wuil fan
the.m place thy wing gentle remain.pres.s
Ill cal lla ran iaethediwn a llugrad,
Ill efig d'yn efig a h-esser,
K'es llugrad yn ffuin deg,
Miscl sew ioddediwn intr!
Ill cal lla ran iaethediwn a llugrad,
the.m REL the.f great throwing have.pres.3s succeed.pp
Ill efig d'yn efig a h-esser,
the.m friend of_a friend to be.inf
K'es llugrad yn ffuin deg,
REL_is.pres.3s succeed.pp a woman fair
Miscl sew ioddediwn intr!
mix.pres.3s one's_own jubilation within
Si, ill cal anc sulfent yn enef
affell ill sew subr lla yspher di lla der!
E lla-dd a coenesced nonc, o ffur
cridan di lla ddaf ci!
Si, ill cal anc sulfent yn enef
Yes, the.m REL also only a soul
affell ill sew subr lla yspher di lla der!
be_called.pres.s the one's_own on the.f sphere of the.f earth
E lla-dd a coenesced nonc, o ffur
and pron.3f have.3s know.pp never, or steal.pres.s
cridan di lla ddaf ci!
cry.presp of the.f company here
Llo h-eisistant thud fifent lla 'eidd
Subr lla fron di lla nadyr;
Llo fon thud, llo fal thud
Seghent sew lleth di llo rhos
Llo h-eisistant thud fifent lla 'eidd
The.p being.p all.p drink.pres.3p the.f joy
Subr lla fron di lla nadyr;
on the.f breast of the.f nature
Llo fon thud, llo fal thud
the.p good.p all.p the.p bad.p all.p
Seghent sew lleth di llo rhos
follow.pres.3p one's_own trail of the.p rose
Llo fes sa ddunaf a nu, e'll gwid,
Yn efig profad in ill morth;
Ill talent er dunad a'll gwerf
E'll kerybin yst inawant Dew.
Llo fes sa ddunaf a nu, e'll gwid,
the.p kiss.p she give.past.s to pron.1p and_the.m vine
Yn efig profad in ill morth;
a friend test.pp in the.m death
Ill talent er dunad a'll gwerf
the.m desire be.past.s give.pp to_the.m worm
E'll kerybin yst inawant Dew.
and_the.m cherub stand.pres.s before God
Ffelig', si llo sul wolant
Tra'll plan gleirus d'ill cel,
Cyrrath, llo ffradr, gwstr curs,
Geiddad, sig yn c+ar a'll buidd.
Ffelig', si llo sul wolant
happy as the.p sun fly.pres.3p
Tra'll plan gleirus d'ill cel,
Through_the.m plan glorious of_the.m heaven
Cyrrath, llo ffradr, gwstr curs,
run.pres.2p the.p brother your.p course
Geiddad, sig yn c+ar a'll buidd.
joyful as a hero to_the.m victory
Siath imbrechad, llo filliwn!
Ill bes a'll mun inheir!
Llo ffradr, subr lla gaff di llo h-ystuil
yn padr afant ddef gwiwer.
Siath imbrechad, llo filliwn!
be.pres.2p embrace.pp the.p million.p
Ill bes a'll mun inheir!
the.m kiss to_the.m world whole
Llo ffradr, subr lla gaff di llo h-ystuil
the.p brother on the.f canopy of the.p star.p
yn padr afant ddef gwiwer.
a father loving be_obliged.pres.s live.inf
Gw chaddan a fas, llo filliwn?
Sent-ty'll criadur, fun?
Circhath llo subr lla gaff di llo h-ystuil!
Subr llo h-ystuil ys def gwiwer.
Gw chaddan a fas, llo filliwn?
You fall.pres.2p to down, the.p million.p
Sent-ty'll criadur, fun?
Feel.pres.s_thou_the.m creator, world.voc
Circhath llo subr lla gaff di llo h-ystuil!
Seek.pres.2p pron.3 on the.f canopy of the.p star.p
Subr llo h-ystuil ys def gwiwer.
on the.p star.p he be_obliged live.inf
- andrew.
Andrew Smith, Intheologus
Jesus Christ is raging, raging in the streets.