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Re: [QUESTION] Initial Geminants

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 4, 2002, 20:55
Muke Tever wrote:
> >My lang Ibran has initial geminates phonemically, but by default they're
>allowed to appear except after a vowel. > > scuil /k:O:l/ [kO:] > un scuil /In k:O:l/ [E~k:O:]
That suggests to me that (in at least this case) the geminate probably derives from earlier pre-aspiration-- *sk... > **hk... > k:... Certainly possible. Perhaps Future Spanish will have this. escuela > [(e)k:wela]; or [xa'mon] 'ham, sg.', [x:a'mone:] (via [lox:a'moneh]) plural. Hey, mutations!!! Some of the (word-internal) geminates of Buginese derive from C1C2 > ?C which in pronunciation is often equivalent to C:


Muke Tever <alrivera@...>
Yitzchaq Penzev <isaac@...>