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Re: Conlang Flag Design

From:Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Date:Friday, September 3, 2004, 15:14
On Fri, 03 Sep 2004 16:31:21 +0930, Adrian Morgan (aka Flesh-eating
Dragon) <dragon@...> wrote:

> I suggest that a person voting may associate each flag with a score of > A, B, C or D where: > A = Advocated without reservation. > B = Acceptable compromise. > C = Has potential, but would like to see details changed. > D = Not supported. > From the results, up to three finalists can be selected, namely: > 1 - The design with the most "A" votes. > 2 - The design with the most "A" and "B" votes (total). > 3 - The design with the most "A", "B" and "C" votes. > (Of course, some of these may be the same flag.)
Well, for my money, in an election with multiple candidates, Condorcet voting is the way to go. Each voter ranks each candidate in order from best to worst, and there is a simple algorithm to determine the winner. There's even a site that will run a Condorcet election for you, without anyone here having to understand or implement the underlying algorithm. I forget the URL, but IIRC it's linked from the above site. Paul


Peter Bleackley <peter.bleackley@...>