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Re: Sukii desu (was Re: Comer manzanas)

From:Marcus Smith <smithma@...>
Date:Sunday, April 23, 2000, 0:50
At 4/22/00 06:24 PM +0600, you wrote:

>Kono kuruma wa sukii desu. >this car TOPIC ??? is. >=I/he/she/you/we/etc. like this car.
This could also be said as: kono kuruma ga suki desu. this car SUBJECT like is
>It would stand to reason that the adjective would be something like >"pleasing," but I'm not sure, as I've never seen it explained as an >adjective, outside of this usage.
_suki_ is definitely an adjective, and your suggestion of "pleasing" is appropriate. Boku wa suki na kuruma o mitta. I TOPIC like NA car OBJECT saw "I saw a car that I like" or "I saw a pleasing car." Also, I'm not sure how you specify WHO is
>doing the liking... perhaps <ni>?
Right again, or more commonly the topic marker. Boku wa kono kuruma ga suki desu. I TOPIC this car SUBJECT like is. "I like this car." Marcus