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Re: Hello, I'm new too

From:Andrew Chaney <adchaney@...>
Date:Monday, October 23, 2000, 0:00
>What a lovely website! Very nice layout. If there's >anything to say, you might want to center it on the >page, but that's only IMVHO.
I could I guess center it (Maybe with a <P ALIGN="CENTER"> around the whole page, but wouldn't work in Netscape on some UNIXes. I could use a <CENTER> tag but that would violate the HTML 4.0 standard and I don't feel like going and converting everything to HTML 3.2...)
> Yoon Ha wrote:
> I looked at Ihro. I confess I'm confused by things like "hw" and "hr." > Would it be possible to incorporate IPA equivalents so we know what the > di/graphs stand for, soundwise?
>That would be voiceless /w/ and /r/, wouldn't it?
Yep, voiceless. I suppose I will have to go learn about those IPA equivalents. Andy