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Re: CHAT: dyslexia

From:Adam Walker <dreamertwo@...>
Date:Thursday, March 29, 2001, 2:10
That was exactly the question my mother suggested to me as a topic for Ph D
research.  I doesn't seem like such a bad idea.  If only I were studying for
my Ph D!


>From: Yoon Ha Lee <yl112@...> >Reply-To: Constructed Languages List <CONLANG@...> >To: CONLANG@LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU >Subject: chat: dyslexia >Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 20:46:03 -0500 > >This isn't exactly on-topic, but a friend asked this question and *I* >don't know the answer, but I thought a group of conlangers wouldn't be a >bad place to ask.... > >*Somewhere* I read (and my friend did, too) that people actually read >logographic systems like Chinese somewhat faster because the translation >goes directly from shapes to word-in-head, rather than shapes to sounds >to word-in-head. It might have been the yingzi article on Rosenfelder's > but I'm not finding the reference and I won't swear to it. > >Recently in Time or Scientific American or something I also read that >dyslexia is far less common in places where people have a writing system >that is "simpler" (in terms of phonology/phonetics, I suppose that >meant), e.g. the rate of dyslexia is apparently a lot lower in Italy than >in the U.S. (or some sample of English-speaking nations). > >We don't know if these are absolutely true, but the question occurred to >my friend: so would a logographic system alleviate some or many of the >problems of dyslexic readers? > >Just wondering, >YHL
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