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Re: ALL: Please format to 70 positions or less.

From:Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 1, 1999, 20:18
John Cowan wrote:

>Lars Henrik Mathiesen wrote: > >> So --- please, please compose your messages with automatic hard >> linebreaks set to 70 positions, but only for new text. That >> leaves room for a few levels of quoting before various other >> parts of the mail systems begin to mangle included text. > >Or better yet, discipline yourselves to use *manual* hard >linebreaks. Pretend it's a typewriter. Really. Pretend.
I go through the trouble of correcting the layout of the text when its quoted so that all lines are under 70 spaces. I myself hate recieving mail where the texts and quotes are so mangled, its difficult to tell who wrote what. If I can do it, we all can. -kristian- 8-)