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Re: ALL: Please format to 70 positions or less.

From:Lars Henrik Mathiesen <thorinn@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 1, 1999, 17:46
> Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 13:09:51 -0400 > From: John Cowan <cowan@...>
> Or better yet, discipline yourselves to use *manual* hard > linebreaks. Pretend it's a typewriter. Really. Pretend.
You mean I should cancel the letter and rewrite from scratch if I discover that I forgot a word so the paragraph should be reflowed? I think I'll abstain. That aside, I sometimes wish Emacs had a 'fill-paragraph-from-point', so I could fix little nits like the abandoned sentence-starting "I" in the previous paragraph. On the other hand, it now has automatic detection of common line prefixes, so it does the right thing when I reformat a quoted paragraph. Lars Mathiesen (U of Copenhagen CS Dep) <thorinn@...> (Humour NOT marked)