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Re: Country names

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Thursday, May 8, 2003, 7:40
What do other Conlangs call other nations (provided
your language is spoken on Earth or its speakers are
familiar enough with earthly nations to name them)?

I don't have many nations named in Carrajena yet.  So
far I have:

al Sichija /auSItSiZa/ Sicily
al Idaja /alIdaZa/ Italy
al Sarrin~a /ausarinja/  Sardinia
al Ispan~a /alISpanja/ Spain
    OR al Andaluxa /alandaluSa/
al Porrugal /aupOruGala/ Portugal
al Francha /auf4antSa/  France
al Magriva /aumagriva/  Morocco
al Edjipa /alEdZipa/  Egypt
    OR al Chepa /autSepa/
al Isrela /alISr\ela/ Israel
    OR al Israela /alISr\aela/
al Grecha /aug4etSa/ Greece
    OR al Elaza /alElaza/
    OR al Bizanchu /aubIzantSu/
al Inguaderra /aliNgwadera/  England
al Mauta /aumauta/  Malta
al Chibra /autSib4a/  Cyprus
al Creda /auc4eda/ Crete
al Levanuna /aulEvanuna/  Lebanon
al Arava /alarava/  Arabia
al Echovia /alEtSovja/  Ethiopia

That's what I know at present.  I still have no idea
whar Germany is called.  I can't decide what tribal
name to use as a source Alemani, Teutoni, Vandali,
Miscellani. *g*



Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>
Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
Arthaey Angosii <arthaey@...>Country Names -- Local Pronunciations
BP Jonsson <bpj@...>