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Re: Dsh (Orcan) Phonology, and a preview of the grammar

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 25, 2000, 10:36
At 10:43 21/04/00 CDT, you wrote:
>First, the phonology. (BTW, the language and the people are called Dóh; >that's capital D, O acute accent, H. > >Consonants: > >k, g [N], h *Note the unusual value of [g].
Well, not that unusual, for instance the /g/ in Japanese is (still) often nasalised (except at the beginning of words) (I was told it's disappearing, but I heard it more than once in a Japanese anime,so I think it's not that dead), so the Rooma-ji <g> often stands for [N] too :)) . Christophe Grandsire |Sela Jemufan Atlinan C.G. "Reality is just another point of view." homepage : (ou :