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Re: OT-ish:Conlang Census

From:Etak <tarnagona@...>
Date:Tuesday, January 20, 2004, 2:45
Joe <joe@...> wrote:

<<<So, how about getting some statistics together on
the list?  I just
thought I'd ask some questions largely unrelated to

Fun!  Fun!  Let's see...

1)Where were you brought up?

Various places on Ontario, Canada.  I was born in
Toronto, and I'm currently living in Sarnia.  I'll
probably end up somewhere else once I've finished
college next year...

2)Where do you live, countrywise?

Canada, see above

3)What is your nationality, as you see it?


4)Where does your family come from?

Britain...and I am 1/64 Italian :)

5)What colour is your hair?

Very dark brown, almost black, but not quite...also
quite long.

6)What colour are your eyes?


7)What colour is your skin?

White I guess.  Pale.  My parents occasionally tell me
I look like death warmed over, especially when I'm

8)Are you left or right handed?


9)What is/are your mother tongue(s)


10)Are you fluent in any other languages?  If so,

I can carry on a conversation in least I
could two years ago...  And I'm slowly teaching myself
Latin...what a fun language. :)

11)Are you homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual?


12)What (non-)religion are you?

Conservative Christian with a sprinkling of
Buddhist/Taoist philosophy

13)What denomination of that religion?

The Salvation Army for the Christian part...the
Buddhist/Taoist bit is all my own.

14) Finally, what is your favourite colour?

Well, I _think_ my favourite colour is blue...but
various eye doctors have assured me that I am
colour-blind and only see shades of gray.  _I_ don't
think so, for the most part, except I get some colours
mixed up.  Maybe that's why I like vibrant, bright
colours, but especially blue, purple, and yellow.

   Also, I don't have a beard.  I'd be very worried if
I did.  I do wear glasses though.  They are thick,
expensive, and tinted red, with a big pair of
sunglasses to go overtop of them when I go outside.
It must make me look really stupid...the things I'll
do to be able to see where I'm going :)  I am also a
militant non-smoker.  And I've not had much occasion
to drink.  I'm not one of those people who eagerly
awaits their 19th birthday so that they can legally
buy beer.

   I think that just about covers it.

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Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>