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Re: OT-ish:Conlang Census

From:Carsten Becker <post@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 21, 2004, 15:11
After reading all the other mails, I answer all the original questions plus
the questions others added in one big mail (sorry for talking so much of
myself here.)

1)    I was born in Lörrach, Germany.
2)    I live in Lörrach for 4 years, afterwards in Arolsen for 13 years
      and now in Korbach for half a year.
3)    German, I've always been living here.
4)    Dad's mom's family: southern France,
      Mom's mom's family: Netherlands.
      My parents' dads' families: Germany AFAIK
      My parents themselves: from Germany
5)    Brownish dark blonde (but more dark blonde). A photo of me is
      on my website (adress below), under "Steckbrief".
6)    My eyes' colour is something undefinable dark-green-brown-greyish
7)    people often think I'm sick because I've got very pale skin.
      I don't get really too brown in summer, not even if I'm much outside.
8)    I'm right handed, as most people.
9)    L1 = German
10)   L2 = English (fairly well, learning since 1997),
      L3 = French (could be better, learning since 1999)
11)   Heterosexual.
12)   I'm Christian
13)   Protestant
14)   ??? ... I tend to say colour combinations, too.

Answers to unasked questions:

1b)   Birthday?
        26. August 1986, current age: 17

15)   Conlanging since:

16)   Other hobbies (else than conlanging)
        Internet, Reading, Photography, PHP coding for my webpage,
        classical guitar (playing for nearly 7 years)

17)   Favourite music/artists?

18)   Favourite book/other media?

19)   How did you find your way to The List?
        I was recommended, joined 27-Aug-2003. As well subscribed
        at Zompist Bulletin Board since around March/April 2003.

No. Beard is shaved twice a week, glasses only from '92 to
'95. I was far-sighted/long-sighted (depending on what part of the
English speaking world you're from). As I grew, my eyes became "normal"
behaving again. I've wore several different types of braces since 1996,
currently only once or twice a week over night.

No. But a really small bit of wine from time to time is quite OK,
beer only if forced to drink sth alcoholic (you may drink beer here when
you're 16). I hate people who smoke (not the people themselves per se,
but rather the manner of smoking). I also hate coffee. Bah, too bitter!
That's why I prefer tea (black with milk & sugar, too), cocoa* or milk**
in the morning. Otherwise: fruit juices, mineral water. My (dis-)liking
of Coke and other Coca Cola products changes from time to time. Most of
the time, I find it's too sweet.

Other annormalities:
I'm a bit too small for my age and weighing too less for my height:
~50kg, ~175cm
I'm not directly colour blind, but I've a colour "weakness" (don't know what
"Farbschwäche" means in English) regarding colours of similar shade, so it
can happen that I cannot tell apart or mix up red/green (when there's not
much light), bluish violet/blue, reddish violet/pink, dark orange/red,
turquois/green. Where I see absolutely no difference is RGB 0,255,0/
255,255,0 (namely pure RGB green/yellow). Of the other colours, I can call
every colour with its right name if shown a single object (except
violet/blue), but there is absolutely no difference between RGB green and
RGB yellow.

Carsten Becker

*) The chocolate powder you put a teaspoon of in a cup of milk and
then put it into the microwave until it's warm.

**) Only cold milk. Warm is tastes awful, except with honey.



Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>