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Re: Whee! 1000 Words! (=D

From:Christopher B Wright <faceloran@...>
Date:Monday, July 15, 2002, 15:14
Christian Thalmann sekalge:
>It has been a long road, since I compose the words manually rather >than with coded generators, and I want them to sound "right". Somehow >I feel Obrenje has now grown out of its childhood years. (=D
Oh, no. This isn't good. You _care_ about Obrenje. Tell me, if your house was burning down and you had a choice between your dog (provided you have one) and your language, which would you choose? How long would it take you to decide? As for me, I dote on my dog, but I'd figure that the little six-pound ball of fluff could get out on his own. But conlang destruction isn't much of a problem with the Internet. That inclines me back toward my dog's side. Still, letting him die is only hastening the inevitable, unlike destroying Sturnan. Laimes, Wright.