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Re: Juice, T-shirts, DESPERATE PLEA FOR HELP re Kura

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Saturday, October 28, 2000, 6:55
>I'm staggered by the notion of 7-UP being lemonade. To me, lemonade is a >translucent pink or yellow beverage which is very tart - sugared, but with >the citrus taste quite sharp.
Same here. I'd NEVER think of 7-up, or Citra (another citrus soda, which tastes something like lemon, but not quite ) as being lemonade. Lemonade to me, as it is to Matt is a pinkish or yellowish drink made from the juice of lemons, water, and sugar. Fizzy lemon/lime drinks are just a lemon/lime soda
> >> I buy four bottles of fruit juice every week.
We buy a gallon of orange, or orange/banana/strawberry/guava (diff combos) each week, because my dad uses it when he takes his meds. Sometimes he also buys Mango, or Guava.
> > >I only buy juice in concentrate. It's cheaper than paying for the company >to >ship water.
Too much work :) _____________________________________________________ L A S T R E L L A G R A N D Lem alo smu tue rnm edo lon lnt aòa nuñ òog ua as!