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Re: Degrees of volition in active languages (was Re: Chevraqis: asketch)

From:Tim Smith <timsmith@...>
Date:Sunday, August 13, 2000, 20:00
At 12:56 PM 8/13/2000 +0200, Mangiat wrote:
>Italian is one of the few languages I know to use articles even with nouns >already determinated by possessives: > >'il mio libro' - 'my book' >'la mia casa' - 'my house' (here there is an exception: you can say 'casa >mia' as well)
Does the exception apply to all nouns? (Can you also say 'libro mio'?) And is there any pragmatic or functional difference between 'la mia casa' and 'casa mia'? (For instance, does one put more emphasis on the house, and the other on the fact that it's _my_ house? And if so, which is which?) - Tim ------------------------------------------------------------ Tim Smith "To live outside the law you must be honest." -- Bob Dylan