On Thu, 28 Oct 1999 12:15:28 +0100, Paul Bennett =
>I don't know how much credence y'all might give this kind of thing, but =
>labelling can easily be denigrated, IMO it might be at the very least =
fun to see
>if we can add another trait to the "profile of an average conlanger" =
that was
>apparently arrived at a while ago. Lars mentioned it when we were in =
>and IIRC it went a little like this:
>Anyone who wants to share their results is encouraged to, either =
publicly or
>privately. I turn out to be INTP, apparently, which I interpret as =
meaning I
>ought to be an auxlanger instead of an artlanger. My earliest conlang =
>were auxlangs, I suppose, so there may be something in it after all...
Well, when this originally came up I ended up INTP; I suppose I should
retake the test just to be sure. At least nothing else has changed; I'm
still male, heterosexual, right-handed, with a full beard and dark hair.
languages of Kolagia---> =
Thryomanes /"If all Printers were determin'd not to print =
(Herman Miller) / thing till they were sure it would offend no =
moc.oi @ rellimh <-/ there would be very little printed." -Ben =