Taliesin wrote:
> Looking at it from an IR perspective, our list isn't very well suited
> for search-engines as they are today, because the list is multi-lingual,
> and the level of expertise in English varies wildly. Suffice to say,
does it means it's my fault? :(
> ir-systems likes the orthography to be consistent and the total amount
> of possible words to be less than infinite :)
> So, building a system ourselves seems best. Volunteers? :)
When I finnish my degree exam...
> On the subject of threading: the listserv at Brown seems not to preserve
> the Message-Id and References headers, which makes true threading
> impossible. Unless there is someone who has everything archived, -with-
> those headers intact, or there is some other way of restoring them,
> threading will be an imperfect kludge of an affair.
I have most postings since I subscribe, a year long ago. Most of them
.zipped... (a 40 MBytes .zip file including other lists and personal
messages) Unfortunately most are not all, and probably some of them have
lost part of the headings when translating from Outlook to Outlook Express
to Netscape Messanger and back to Outlook Express.
Any how I'm moving soon and I'm not sure if at the new location I'll have my
current or any ISP.
-- Carlos Th