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Re: CHAT: General Question

From:Dan Jones <feuchard@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 27, 2001, 10:37
Frank George Valoczy

> Now I just had a stupid thought...perhaps Marilyn Manson's comment about > David Bowie applies to conlanging? > > "If you like David Bowie, you're gay. If you have a friend who likes David > Bowie, you're gay. If you know someone who has a friend who likes David > Bowie, you're gay." > > I must be gay then. =)
Oh shit... that means I'm straight!!!!!!!! Shock, horror! How will I tell my mum?! I do know all the words to "I Am What I Am" from La Cage Aux Folles off by heart, though. Am I let off? Dan who has still to recover from the fact that he's really straight and in denial... ----------------------------------------------- Ka yokonáu iti báyan: "cas'alyá abhiyo". Ka tso iti mantabayan: "yama zaláyá alánekayam la s'alika, cas'alika; ka yama yavarryekayan arannáam la vácika, labekayam vácika, ka ali cas'alyeko vanotira." ----------------------------------------------- Dan Jones


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>