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Re: CHAT: General Question

From:Mia <tuozine@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 21, 2001, 1:48
I thought I might reply to this, since there is a lull in my activities
tonight. I am living in rural Queen Anne's County, Maryland. I am a 30
year old stay-at-home mother of 5 children. I speak Spanish, and I have
varying levels of ability in French, Italian, Latin, and Esperanto. I
have a few projects, and a lot of little sketches. My most notable
efforts to date are ea-luna, Yufora, and Mÿjador. ea-luna and Mÿjador
are both being worked on regularly now, thanks to lacrosse-- two of my
kids have practice twice a week, so that's 4 hours a week that I sit in
the van and either work on languages or read.

David Peterson wrote:
> > Since the whole issue of American and English speakers and Canadian and such came > up, why doesn't everybody say where there from, what languages they speak, > and something else of interest? > > I'm David Peterson (going forever after by "Jenesis"). I've lived all my life in > Southern California, though I'm going to Berkeley now. I speak (mas o menos) > Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Esperanto, Greek (Modern), Latin, Hindi, German, > French, and others I'm forgetting. I've created about eight languages, the > biggest of which has more than a thousand entries. So, that's me. > > -Jenesis
-- Mia Soderquist


Mia <tuozine@...>
Eruanno the Linguist <eruanno@...>
Eruanno the Linguist <eruanno@...>
Mangiat <mangiat@...>R: Re: General Question