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Re: CHAT: Umberto Eco and Esperanto

From:Jim Henry <jimhenry@...>
Date:Saturday, June 12, 1999, 8:07
On 11 Jun 99, at 12:30, Charles wrote:

> Is it? I'd like half an excuse to revert to a totally 100% isolating > syntax without any morphology. AFAIK, English and Chinese are furthest > out on that limb. Even creoles have some morphology.
One of my early conlangs, Thauliralau, was isolating. I'm still working on HTMLizing the materials but here's a draft: Also, my current project {gzb} is mostly isolating. (See .sig.)
> > It was rather a weird choice by Zamenhof to use agglutination. > I don't think he knew Turkish, so he "should" have gone heavily
There's an essay by him in which he explains some of his design choices in working out Esperanto - there probably exists an English translation, but I haven't seen it. Basically, he thought it couldn't get off the ground if it didn't look superficially familiar to its initial audience (speakers of Indo-European languages, mainly) but it couldn't really work as an IAL if it really had an IE synthetic grammar. So agglutination was an obvious choice. Jim Henry III *gjax zaxnq-box baxm-box goq.