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Re: CHAT: Umberto Eco and Esperanto

From:Tom Wier <artabanos@...>
Date:Thursday, June 10, 1999, 1:34
Jim Henry wrote:

> > The IAL that comes closest in the modern world to anything like universal > > use is English. That has vastly more 'people and books' than Esperanto. > > Does that make English even more perfect? > > English is a useful language to know, but difficult to learn. > Esperanto is also useful (less so in many ways, perhaps) but > much easier. Vorlin may be (slightly) easier than Esperanto, but it > isn't (yet) very useful.
What in particular are you saying is simple about Vorlin? I don't know much about the language, but it seems to me that just about any definition of "easy" is going to meet up with resistance *somewhere*. For example, I found Esperanto's case system was a *cinch* -- it was the "hidden" irregularities like those that we've recently discussed on the list ("kataro", etc.) that I found more challenging. It's hard for me to tell now, but I also think that when I was first studying German, it was the quirky wordorder rules that would throw me off more than the case system. (Well, the adjective endings weren't very fun, either).
> Another point I meant to make (but perhaps didn't) was that life is > short, and any language I put significant effort into becoming fluent > in will have to have attractions other than the purely linguistic. > With French and Classical Greek it's primarily books, with > Esperanto it's mainly people, but other nifty languages like Vorlin, > Lojban, and Teonaht, with all due respect to Rick Harrison, lojbab > et alia, and Sally Caves, don't have those attractions.
I totally agree. I don't think I'd be learning Classical Greek now unless I thought I could dig into some Homer or Plato (we have already, a little, and it's not easy, but I like it, and I get a lot out of it). My own conlangs are for purely esthetic or creative reasons, not because I think I could get anything out of them other than fun -- or make people communicate better through them. =========================================== Tom Wier <artabanos@...> AIM: Deuterotom ICQ: 4315704 <> "Cogito ergo sum, sed credo ergo ero." "Things just ain't the way they used to was." - a man on the subway ===========================================