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Re: CHAT: Umberto Eco and Esperanto

From:Jim Grossmann <steven@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 15, 1999, 5:07
>Brian Betty wrote: >> Language isn't a social skill.
>Nik Taylor:
>I beg to differ, language most certainly IS a social skill. While it >might be true that the ability to acquire language is innate, language >itself is still a social skill, indeed, arguably, THE social skill, >since the use of a community's language is a prerequisite to being a >part of that community.
Hey, guys: I differ with you both! I'm not sure that there is a sovereign definition of "social skill" that would settle Nik and Brian's disagreement. Of course Nik is correct in stating that language is prerequisite to the social structure of our society. However, if Brian stated that schizophrenics can speak in a language without exhibiting much in the way of social skills, that statement would conform perfectly well to modern English usage. IMO, pragmatics are social skills by definition; language as a whole is used both for social reasons and for certain kinds of thinking. Jim