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Re: CHAT: Umberto Eco and Esperanto

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Saturday, June 12, 1999, 4:23
Tom Wier wrote:
> There's no objective way to say > one way is or is not better than another.
Well, there are objective ways of saying that when it comes to auxlangs. An auxlang should be expressive and easy to learn. Part of ease is, of course, the language background potential speakers are coming from, but another part is objective: one declension is easier to learn than 5. Regular agglutination is easier than completely fusional systems.
> Which, of course, is what makes conlanging fun. :)
Exactly, but conlanging is different than auxlanging. In conlanging, the intended speakership is (usually) only the creator, so you can do what you like best. I like agglutination, another likes isolating, or fusional, or whatever. I like gender, another might not.
> I think he knew fairly little about agglutinating languages, and he > felt that they would make grammatical processes clearer than > either isolating or inflectional languages.
I wonder if that was by accident? In my first conlang, I had some degree of agglutination without even knowing what that was, I just didn't want to create a lot of suffixes, so I had things like -f-f =3D genitive; -=E1- =3D masc/fem singular, so that -f=E1f was masculine singu= lar genitive. --=20 Happy that Nation, - fortunate that age, whose history is not diverting -- Benjamin Franklin ICQ #: 18656696 AIM screen-name: NikTailor