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Re: Rolexxage: grammar (just the basics) and Re: Rolexxage: phonology

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Monday, September 16, 2002, 18:02
>They aren't human, but I haven't decided exactly what they are yet. They >exist in the same conuniverse as Kontoko and speak _Rolexxage_ or >_Roleoake_ (I use the Kontoko name when speaking because I can't >pronounce the glottal trill, of course :-), but other than that, I >haven't decided on anything else.
I cant help but thinking: "Rolexxage" - sounds like when one is given a gift of many Rolex watches. __________________________ Say you were split, you were split in fragments and not all the pieces would talk to you Wouldn't you want to be who you had been? Well baby, i want that too...