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Re: measuring systems (was: Selenites)

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Thursday, October 1, 1998, 10:27
J.A. Mills wrote:
> We need a historical economist to see if your theory that the work-day cannot > be shortened bears out. However, my grandfather used to tell stories of a 12 > hour work-day.
You misunderstood me. I never said that the workday couldn't be shortened. Indeed, I think that it may very well be shortened in the near future. In fact, some companies in the US today now consider 30 or 35 hours to be full time, and in some countries sub-40-hour workweeks are considered normal, as you yourself pointed out. What I DID say is that that wouldn't be accomplished merely by changing the way we divide up the day! Secondly, it was a long struggle to get the 40-hour workweek we're used to. Thirdly, both the three-shift and the four-shift day fit nicely with the 24-hour day, while the three-shift day is awkward in the 10-hour day. -- "A silent mouth is sweet to hear" - Irish proverb ICQ: 18656696 AOL: NikTailor