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Re: OT: WAY OT: Re: OT: Re: What? the clean-shaven outnumber the bearded?

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Sunday, May 18, 2003, 1:22
Christophe, I'm glad you replied to Andreas at length; I wanted to say much
the same things, but was having my Enter key/lose mail problem again, so cut
it short.

In my day I have seen:
Straight-acting men attracted to androgynous/effeminate men, and vice versa. straight-acting
Older to younger, and vice versa (Thank god!!)
Extreme body-builders who will only look at the same
Extreme body-builders who will not.
Gay men who find extreme body-builders unattractive.
Those who specialize in blacks/orientals/hispanics.
Gay blacks who want nothing to do with white boys.
Gay blacks who only want white boys.
Long-lasting relationships between men of same/similar socio-economic
background, and ditto betwen men of vastly different backgrounds. In that
sense, the gay world is one of the most democratic institutions I know of.

and so on ad infinitum.

>(I myself find Brasilian men often very attractive,
Three weeks in Brazil convinced me that ALL Brazilians (yea, even unto the women) are the world's handsomest people. Something to do with the mix of Portugues/Mediterranean - African - Am. Indian features. Not to mention fun, and friendly. Plus the whole place just oozes sexuality ;-))))
> The best friend of my partner falls only for Turkish > guys, etc...
Epater les bougeoises? Exoticism?? Still, Turks are rather interesting when they put on those leather pants and slather on the oil for the national wrestling festival.........and they did invent the Turkish Bath, after all.


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>