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Re: OT: WAY OT: Re: OT: Re: What? the clean-shaven outnumber the bearded?

From:Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>
Date:Saturday, May 17, 2003, 11:07
daniel andreasson wrote:

>I've always been sceptical towards the theory that men fancy >girls/women who look like their mothers, until I realized that >I fancy girls/women who look like my mother. Short (about 5'), >curvy, with blond hair (short or long). >
The only similarity between Mum and the girls I prefer is that they're both shorter than me. The paler asians (I guess they're from more northern latitudes), or redheads, and generally shorter than mum. And I would definitely not go out with someone with a personality remotely similar to my mother's. One of us would probably end up dead before long. (Not that I hate my mother. She's just incredibly annoying and we seem to generally think in such divergent ways that what one thinks is plain English might as well be Greek to the other.) I can't say how much my current girlfriend differs from that because I don't have a current girlfriend :( or a past one, for that matter :( hopefully i'll have a future one one day though :)
>This is purely superficial though. I've only dated one girl who >looked like that, and my current girlfriend is about as tall as >me (5'10"), slim built with red hair. <CLICHÉ ALERT>Obviously, >it's the inside that counts. </CLICHÉ ALERT> >
Shouldn't that be CLICHE? I understand French doesn't do accents on capital letters, and English really shouldn't be putting *more* accents on :)
>This leads me to the question, though. Do gay men fancy men who >look like their fathers? >
I doubt it any more than straight people fancying people who look like their mother.
>PS. I realize that this is perhaps even more OT than discussing >scones or English pronunciation, but it's much more interesting >imnsho. :) > >
We can't *just* discuss conlanging here :) Though maybe it would be a start... Maybe I should do some more work on Føtisk. -- Tristan <kesuari@...>


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