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Re: OT: WAY OT: Re: OT: Re: What? the clean-shaven outnumber the bearded?

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Saturday, May 17, 2003, 17:32
En réponse à daniel andreasson :

>This is purely superficial though. I've only dated one girl who >looked like that, and my current girlfriend is about as tall as >me (5'10"), slim built with red hair. <CLICHÉ ALERT>Obviously, >it's the inside that counts. </CLICHÉ ALERT>
So you date people only after seeing an X-Ray picture of them? ;)))))
>This leads me to the question, though. Do gay men fancy men who >look like their fathers?
God forbids! I would never even if I was paid a fortune go out with someone even remotely looking like my father!!! (nor someone even remotely looking like my mother. She's way too feminine! ;))) ) And as for people who actually look like me, the only common point between me and the men I fall for is that I like slightly hairy men (although I'm a bit more than "slightly" hairy ;)))) ). But it's not an iron rule: my partner is far from hairy ;)) . In many things he is actually opposite to me. The only things we have in common is our love for modern art (but different arts), our political convictions (and even then we have some differences) and our total commitment towards the other :)) . Christophe Grandsire. You need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.


Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>
Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>