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Re: Weekly vocab #3

From:Douglas Koller, Latin & French <latinfrench@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 24, 2002, 20:32
Aidan offered:

> 1. doctor / healer
> 1. She is my doctor.
San la chau tezemars síter nöi. san - she [4th decl., aff., sing., nom.] la - present auxiliary chau - the [2nd decl., aff., sing., nom.] tezemars - doctor [2nd decl., aff., sing., nom.] síter - my [2nd decl., aff., sing., nom.] nöi - be
> 2. medicine
> 2. _That_ is _my_ medicine, and _this_ is yours.
Chí hereçkels la chí wersöls sítel, kfö chí hengels la chí öçkelals nöi. chí - the [6th decl., aff., sing.] hereçkels - that [6th decl., aff., sing., nom.] la - pres. aux. wersöls - medicine [6th decl., aff., sing., nom.] sítel - my [6th decl., aff., sing., nom.] kfö - and hengels - this [6th decl., aff., sing., nom.] öçkelals - yours [6th decl., aff., sing., nom.] nöi - be
> 3. ear
> 3. She looked in their ears.
San lé chök éjebsöd rhetheböd tagü dimtel. san - she [4th decl., aff., sing., nom.] lé - past aux. chök - the [1st decl., aff., pl.] éjebsöd - ear [1st decl., aff., pl., post.] retheböd - their [1st decl., aff., pl., post.] tagü - into/in dimtel - look (at)/watch
> 4. eye
> 4. She looked in her (someone else's) eye.
San lé che bithseb söitöitheb tagü dimtel. che - the [7th decl., aff., sing.] bithseb - eye [7th decl., aff., sing., post.] söitöitheb - her [7th decl., aff., sing., post] (with a 3rd decl. referent, probably interpreted as "her" out of context, but not the subject)
> 5. friend
> 5. Our friends are ill.
Chauk zhömauíörsaup makhmalaraup la rhebuth. chauk - the [2nd decl., aff., pl.] zhömauíörsaup - friend [2nd decl., aff., pl., nom.] makhmalaraup - our [2nd decl., aff., pl., nom.] rhebuth - be sick/ill
> 6. itch and/or scratch
pfeveths (n.); pfeveth (v.)
> 6. His scratch (the one on him) is worse than his scratch (the one he >caused on someone else unspecified).
Chau pfevethtölörs söbör la chau pfevethölörsaub söböraub íe vebuter íe nöi. chau - the [2nd decl., aff., sing.] pfevethtölörs - having been scratched [2nd decl., aff., sing., nom.] söbör - his [2nd decl., aff., sing., nom.] pfevethölörsaub - having scratched [2nd decl., aff., sing., post.] söböraub - his [2nd decl., aff., sing., post.] íe - than vebuter - bad [2nd decl., aff., sing., nom.] íe - more nöi - be
> 7. hurt / pain (the verb ... or not)
gökh - hurt/vírs - pain (n.) sau öçalívírsaut gölakh - have a headache
> 7. Do y'all's heads hurt? / Do you guys have headaches?
Kfazh la sauk öçalívírsauch högalökh? kfazh - you [aff., pl., nom.] sauk - indef. art. [2nd decl., aff., pl.] (more like French "des"; could be translated into English as "some" or not translated at all) öçalívírsauch - headache [2nd decl., aff., pl., acc.] högalökh - suffer from/"have" (an ailment) [interrogative mood]
> 8. diagnosis
dhíshöns (n.); dhíshön (v.)
> 8. His diagnosis (that he gave) is that she will get better.
Söb lö, gü san lít haundezh sho, dhíshön. söb - he [1st decl., aff., sing., nom.] lö - pres. perf. aux. gü - that (as a conj.) san - she [4th decl., aff., sing., nom.] lít - future passive aux. haundezh - cure, heal [speculative mood] sho - marks end of a subordinate clause dhíshön - diagnose
> 9. cure / heal
nders (n.); ndezh (v.)
> 9. His diagnosis (for the disease he has) has a cure.
Söb lök, gü söb lít haundezh sho, dhíshön. lök - present perfect dative passive aux.
> 9a. She will cure my friends.
San lí chauk zhömauíörsauch síterauch ndezh. lí - future aux.
> 10. ill
rhebuth (be ill)
> 10. I am not ill anymore.
Fí la ölöbau rhebuth. fí - I [neg., nom.] la - pres. aux. ölöbau - anymore rhebuth - be ill Kou