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Re: THEORY: PIE, laryngeals, and schwa indogermanicus

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 24, 2007, 13:38
Quoting Paul Bennett <paul.w.bennett@...>:

> On Sun, 22 Apr 2007 14:07:32 -0400, Andreas Johansson <andjo@...> > wrote: > > > I chanced to come across Gábor Sándi's page on PIE phonology > > ( > > Funnily enough, I recently started a thread on the pieconlang list to try > and find consensus on phone*ic values for the PIE letters, per > "traditional" PIE, i.e. > > p b bh t d dh k^ g^ g^h k g gh kw gw gwh s l r m n E A O i u e o e: o: > > I have something like: > > p b p_h t d t_h c J\ c_h k g k_h k_w g_w k_w_h s/z l r\ m n ?/E_x ?\/A_x > ?\_w/Q_x j/i w/u e o e: o: > > The discussion has been fairly fruitful on the other list (and indeed I > owe about 6 replies over there), but I guess it couldn't hurt to cast a > wider net.
Can non-members of the list follow the discussions somewhere? Andreas