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Re: Allophones Question

From:Muke Tever <mktvr@...>
Date:Tuesday, February 18, 2003, 13:20
From: "Quentin Read" <quonton79@...>
> I was thinking about this: Does a language, if it has > one side of a pair of allophones (voiced+unvoiced > consonant) does it generally have the other or can > they sometimes exist in isolation?
Generally, yes, if voicing is contrastive elsewhere. But not necessarily. Spanish for example has /s/ but no /z/, even when it has /D/ vs /T/ (in castillian) and /x/ vs /G/. Ancient Greek also had /s/ but not exactly /z/ at one time. Latin too [I think it is contagious...] And dont forget the many languages with /l m n r/ and not their voiceless counterparts... *Muke! --


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>